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Noritz Error Code 11 [How to Fix]

Noritz Error Code 11 [How to Fix]

Noritz Error Code 11 – if the electronic control panel shows Noritz Error Code 11, it means that there was an ignition failure in your tankless water heater. In other words, there was either insufficient gas supply or airflow or lack of spark or debris might be on the ignition plug and the heater could not ignite.

These are the minimum and maximum inlet gas pressures required based on the max BTU input and gas type of the unit. Fortunately, you don’t need to memorize this chart as the required minimum and maximum gas pressures are listed right on the rating plate of the unit.

Noritz Error Code 11 [How to Fix]

Follow these two troubleshooting steps that account for majority of Noritz error code 11 causes.

Check the inlet gas pressure

To check the inlet gas pressure, you’ll need a Philips Screwdriver and a Digital Gas Manometer. The steps listed below should be performed by a professional as it involves gas and requires working inside the unit.

  1. Shut off the gas valve under the unit.
  2. Remove the screw from the inlet test port, make sure you don’t lose this screw.
  3. Firmly attach the hose from your Manometer by sliding it over the test port and open up the gas valve.
  4. Your manometer will show the static gas pressure. This is the pressure when no gas is being used.
  5. Now, check the dynamic pressure that is the gas pressure when gas is being used.

Note: while attaching your Manometer, it may show some pressure which is totally fine. So, do not zero it out once attached.

Both static and dynamic gas pressure should always stay above the minimum requirements of the unit. If either the static or the dynamic inlet gas pressure is below the minimum requirements of the unit then, verify the gas line size and length are appropriate according to the guidelines in the installation manual.

Also, make sure the gas meter or the gas regulator is large enough to handle the total BTU load of all gas appliances at the home. Additionally, for California installations, check that the earthquake safety shutoff has not been tripped.

Cleaning the ignition rod

For cleaning the ignition rod, you’ll need a Phillips Screwdriver and something to clean the ignition rod with.

  1. Remove the screws from the bracket that hold the ignition rod in place and carefully remove it making sure to not damage the gasket.
  2. Clean the ignition rod with a fine grit sandpaper.
  3. Once cleaned, put it back in the place and connect any wires previously disconnected.

Finally, check for ignition by running a hot water faucet and looking through the burner window to verify there’s a flame.

Noritz Error Code 11 may occur due to ignition failure. Hopefully, the above article has regarding Noritz error 11 has helped you to get rid of this issue.


How do I fix Noritz Error 11?

You can try checking the inlet gas pressure or cleaning the ignition rod.

What is code 11 on tankless water heater?

This means ignition failure in your tankless water heater. In other words, there was either insufficient gas supply or airflow or lack of spark or debris might be on the ignition plug and the heater could not ignite.

Where is the reset button on a Noritz tankless water heater?

It is typically found on the front panel. You should try resetting your Noritz tankless water heater when other solution doesn’t work.