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Facing Doordash Error Calling Geo Service? [Fix 2024]

Facing Doordash Error Calling Geo Service? [Fix 2024]

Facing Doordash Error Calling Geo Service: Doordash is a popular food delivery and pickup service connecting users with local restaurants, allowing them to order food through the Doordash website or mobile app. 

It is one of the world's largest food delivery platforms, providing users with the convenience of ordering their favorite meals without leaving their homes or offices.

Understanding the Doordash Error Calling Geo Service

The “Doordash Error Calling Geo Service” is a recurring issue encountered by users when the Doordash app or website faces difficulties connecting to its geolocation service. 

This error is typically accompanied by a message that reads “Error calling geo-service.” When this error occurs, it can impede your ability to log in, and if you do manage to log in, you might see a message indicating that the “drop-off location doesn't exist.”

Common Causes of the Error

This issue is commonly caused by the following factors:

  • Server downtime
  • App glitches

How to Fix the Doordash Error Calling Geo Service

Encountering the “Doordash Error Calling Geo Service” can be frustrating, but there are steps you can take to resolve it. Here's a detailed explanation of these steps:

1. Remove Your Card Details

  • Access your Doordash account settings and remove the credit or debit card details saved.
  • Re-add the card details to ensure accuracy and currency.

2. Check the Location Settings

  • Confirm that your device's location settings are correctly configured.
  • Navigate to your device's settings, locate “Location,” and ensure it is turned on.
  • Set the location mode to “High Accuracy” for precise geolocation, which is crucial for the Doordash service to function correctly.

3. Reinstall Your Doordash App

  • Uninstall the Doordash app from your device.
  • Visit your device's app store to download and reinstall the Doordash app.
  • After installation, log in to your Doordash account.

4. Use a Web Browser

  • If you are experiencing the issue, try accessing Doordash through a web browser on your PC. This error may be specific to the Doordash app on Apple devices, such as iPhones.
  • Using a web browser on your computer can serve as a workaround to avoid the problem. It appears that the error affects iPhones but not PC web browsers.

5. Contact Doordash Support

  • If none of the above solutions resolve the issue, it's time to reach out to Doordash customer support for assistance.
  • Access their customer support through this page.
  • Doordash's support team can offer personalized guidance and solutions tailored to your specific problem.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is the “Doordash Error Calling Geo Service”?

The “Doordash Error Calling Geo Service” is an error that occurs when the Doordash app or website is unable to connect to its geolocation service. Geolocation services are used to determine your location, which is necessary for Doordash to function properly.

Why might the “Error Calling Geo Service” occur?

The error may occur due to common reasons, including server issues and glitches within the app.

How can I fix the Doordash Error Calling Geo Service?

To fix the “Doordash Error Calling Geo Service,” follow these steps: Remove and re-add your card details, check your device's location settings, and if the issue persists, reinstall the Doordash app. If you're encountering the problem on an Apple device, consider using a web browser on your computer as an alternative. If all else fails, contact Doordash customer support for assistance.