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Does Johnson and Johnson Support Israel or Palestine? [2024]

Does Johnson and Johnson Support Israel or Palestine? [2024]

Johnson and Johnson, founded in 1886, is one of the most popular American multinational brands globally. It has over a century of experience in the field and offers a good range of products, and is mainly famous for its baby products.

Yet, along with many popular brands, it is also involved in the current conflict between Israel and Palestine, where people are asking answers to the questions – does Johnson and Johnson support Israel? Does Johnson and Johnson support Palestine?

So, what do you think? Does Johnson and Johnson support Israel or Palestine? If you’re not sure, but want to know, then you are at the right page because the answer to the aforementioned question is right below.

Does Johnson and Johnson Support Israel or Palestine?

Unfortunately, there is currently no proper answer to the aforementioned question because Johnson and Johnson has not shown direct support towards any of the two countries involved in the war. 

The American brand has been silent all along and has neither supported nor sided with any country, as of December 2024.

Johnson and Johnson Official Statement on the Israel-Palestine Conflict

Johnson and Johnson has not delivered any kind offical statement on the current conflict between Israel and Palestine.

Boycott Movement Against Johnson and Johnson

While many across the world call for a boycott of Johnson and Johnson, the actual boycott movement has also called for a boycott of Johnson and Johnson because of its widespread influence and existence in the country.

Johnson and Johnson & Israel

Johnson and Johnson has several direct relations with Israel. To start with, it has four popular operating companies in Israel, in different sectors like medical devices, pharmaceuticals, and more.

Moreover, it has employed around 1000 people in Israel and has been actively engaging in research and development through one of its operating companies in the country.

However, it has not openly shown support towards Israel in the conflict and has also not criticized Palestine.

Johnson and Johnson & Palestine

Johnson and Johnson doesn’t have a presence or influence in Palestine. However, it has been engaging in humanitarian efforts for helping needy regions, so some of its products might be used by Palestinians. 

On the contrary, Johnson and Johnson has not shown support towards Palestine directly and also didn’t criticize Israel for its actions and policies. 

Also Read-
Does Huggies Support Israel or Palestine? [2024]
Does Pampers Support Israel or Palestine? [2024]

Final Words 

In conclusion, although Johnson & Johnson is currently working in Israel, it has not sided with any of the countries involved in the conflict — and for all we know, it might be trying to stay out of controversies. 

Frequently Asked Questions 

Is Johnson and Johnson Pro Israel?

Although Johnson and Johnson has many relations with Israel and is actively operating in the country amidst the war, it has not shown direct support towards the country, so we don’t know if it is pro-Israel or not.

Is Johnson and Johnson Pro Palestine?

We don’t think Johnson & Johnson is pro-Palestine, because while it doesn’t have influence in Palestine, it has also chosen to be silent about the current conflict.