This article will give you a complete guide on How to Uninstall Lockdown Browser. You will easily able to remove Lockdown Browser from your device after reading our step by step guide.
Lockdown Browser is specially designed browser to track various activities. It is not simple browser as Opera, Chrome, it comes with various advanced features.
How to Uninstall Lockdown Browser?
For Windows/PC
Follow the below step by step instructions to uninstall Lockdown Browser on your PC.
- Open Start Menu.
- Find Lockdown Browser.
- Right click and select Uninstall
Or you can also follow the below following steps:
- Go to Windows -> Control Panel -> Program and Features.
- Find and Right Click on Lockdown Browser.
- Select Uninstall.
If you are experiencing difficulties with above instructions, you can also follow the below steps:
- Download and Run Lockdown browser installer.
- Again Run Lockdown Browser one more time.
- Now, you will find Uninstall/Remove option.
- Click on it.
You can easily uninstall or remove Lockdown browser using above steps on your Windows PC.
For Mac
If you are using Mac, follow the below step by step instructions to uninstall Lockdown Browser:
- Open Finder.
- Select Applications.
- Find & Select Lockdown Browser.
- Select File -> Move to Trash.
- You can also drag File and move to trash.
If you are facing any difficulties with above steps on your Mac, you should try to uninstall Mac with following steps:
- Download & Run Lockdown Browser installer.
- Again Run Lockdown Browser installer one more time.
- Select Uninstall/Remove option.
This process will easily remove Lockdown browser from your device. If you are facing any difficulties while uninstalling, let us know in the comment section below, we will try to find out the solution of your problem as soon as.
Frequently Asked Question:
Can I delete Respondus Lockdown Browser?
Yes, you can easily remove Lockdown Browser from your device using some simple steps. Follow the above mentioned instructions to uninstall Respondus Lockdown Browser from your device.
Final Words:
In this article, we have explained a methods to uninstall Lockdown Browser on both Windows and Mac with step by step instructions.
If you want to again download or update your Respondus Lockdown Browser, follow these guides: